Error activating Office 2010? Just want to be cool and activate from command line?

We have some system images we deploy on new systems and from time to time (I have noticed it happens more frequently if attempting to activate AFTER doing Windows Updates on Office 2010) Office 2010 will throw an activation error. Now, previous to discovering this method I would just do a repair install on Office and then reserialize and activate. But, now there is an easier way.

First, locate your Office 2010 install directory.

Windows 7(8) x64 – C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\

Windows 7(8) x86 – C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\

Open a command prompt as Administrator (right click on the cmd applications and select “Run as Administrator”) and navigate to the appropriate Office directory. Then just type in the following command:

CScript OSPP.vbs /act

Then, just hit “Enter”. It should tell you that the activation was successful.


What if you are not using an image or have not already entered the activation key? You can do this from the command line  as well.

One again, just navigate to the Office installation directory and open an Administrator command prompt.

Type in:


Where “ABCD-EFGH-IJKLM-NOPQ-RSTU” is your product key. Then the previous command to activate said key.

That should add and then activate Office without ever opening the application. I have seen power scripts and silent installs built using this method. Though, personally, I only use the first command just to activate since I had previously serialized it before imaging.